Welcome to the web page for alumni and friends of the UCR Phyiscs and Astronomy Department. We hope that you stay in touch and keep up to date with the Department’s activities, plans, and achievements. News about the Department can be found on the Department home page and upcoming alumni events are listed below.
You are an important part of the Physics and Astronomy community here at UC Riverside and we want to hear from you. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us. Feel free to contact us by phone at 951-827-5331 or by email at physics@ucr.edu.
Your donation can make a big impact on our Department as we continue to expand and improve our program and national ranking. For further information contact the Department Chair, Dr. Shan-Wen Tsai, or the UCR Development Office.
Donate to the Physics and Astronomy Department! You may select which Physics and Astronomy Fund to make a donation to.