College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

Neutron Star Merger

How We Teach


The overall goal of the Physics Degree program is to educate, and inspire students with a passion for science in general and physics in particular so they become creative thinkers and can fulfill their full potential as global citizens. Our undergraduate program provides a rigorous background in basic physics through coursework and encourages the students to participate in current research with world renowned faculty. The education will provide the students with scientifically trained mathematical, writing and analytical skills ready to join the technologically trained workforce in a broad range of fields such as industry, education, medicine, law, engineering or science.

Our undergraduates get personalized physics education through small classes that are tailored for physics majors with a view to building a learning community. The class is split into groups of 2-3 students around white boards which envelope the classroom. The faculty member provides almost individual tutoring by engaging one group at a time in discussions of the lecture topic. 

In addition special classes such as Physics 39 "Adventures in Physics" also incorporate professional and career development exercises such as research paper writing, scientific presentation, job search,  resume writing, career counseling, research seminars etc. 



Physics 39 with Nobel Laureate Prof. Barry Barish:


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