College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

Key Requests

  • Terminating Employees or graduated students must return all keys and/or fobs before leaving their positions to the Physics and Astronomy Front desk staff or PI/Supervisor.  (If PIs/Supervisors receive keys/fobs from terminating employees or students, please turn them into the Physics and Astronomy front desk as soon as you receive them).
  • UCR keys may not be copied through an outside source.
  • No one may place a lock on a UC Riverside facility, interior or exterior, that is not part of an approved UC Riverside system without the permission of Facilities Services and campus Access Control.
  • UC Riverside reserves the right to change locks, keys, and access levels as needed


Please follow the steps below to submit a request for keys/fobs for your students, staff, lab personnel and volunteers.

Complete the google request form for your personnel to obtain keys. The form will automatically collect your email address with your CAS login, which will serve as your approval. Process steps are listed below:

This form is not for TA Key Requests

Key request Form

  1. Enter your personnel's information along with the building and room number(s) you would like them assigned keys/fobs for.
  2. Upload their "Laboratory Safety Fundamentals" certificate if requesting keys/fobs for lab space.
  3. Submit request.
  4. Once you have submitted the request, the personnel you are approving keys for will receive an email to schedule a key pick-up appointment.

Please contact Robert Sanderson with any questions.


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